28 years Anniversary

ቀጠሮ ለማስያዝ  በአጭር ቁጥራችን 8819 ወይም+(251)116187345,+(251)116614400,+(251)911124501 ይደዉሉ
አድራሻ ሃያ ሁለት ከጎላጎል ወደቦሌ መድሃኒያለም በሚወሰደዉ አዉራሪስ ሆቴል አካባቢ
Your health and well-being are our utmost priority, and we are here to provide you with the highest standards of Health care service.
To book an appointment, contact us : 8819   0r + (251)116187345, +(251)116614400,
Mobille +(251)911124501
To join on our social media platform: shttps://www.facebook.com/SaintGabrielGeneralHospitalplc